The Birth of ETS

“It’s not how much we give but how much love we put into giving.”
Mother Teresa– This quote sums up why ETS was established. One of the most important elements of charity work is loving the work you are doing, without this passion the impact will not be great. I have worked with numerous charities and felt that the passion for making a difference had gone and as a consequence the objectives were not been met on time. We hear so much in the media about how money we donate stays in the charities’ banks and that the money is not reaching those we need it. This is one of the main reason that we formed ETS. ‘Ease the Struggle is run by a group of students who dedicate their spare time in helping those who are less fortunate. We focus on the importance of nutrition for both developing and developed countries. We registered as a non profit organisation in August of 2012 and set out to choose a logo and make final edits to our objectives. Since then we have held events to raise funds for syrian refugees and have also started our soup kitchen in London. There is still a long way to go but with every day that passes we are one step closer to our goals


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